About Us
Colombia Tour Operator
Colombia57 Tours Travel & Logistics was founded in 2006 by three European travel specialists, with over 40 years combined experience in travel and tourism, and has rapidly developed to become one of Colombia’s most established full service receptive tour operators.
We have great passion for Colombia and pride ourselves on attention to detail, excellent product knowledge and value for money, whilst offering the highest quality of service and establishing honest and long standing relationships with our clients and suppliers.
Our Team
Are Always Up For The Challenge

Brendan Rayment
Comercial Director

Simon Locke
Product & Marketing Director

Russell Coleman
Operations Director
Colombia is complex, sophisticated and very diverse nation and probably one the world’s most misunderstood. At Colombia57 our values are to operate professionally and honestly, showcasing the best that the country has to offer, whilst promoting tourism in a sustainable and ethical manner. We truly believe that tourism, if managed correctly, can be a force for good and we endeavour to work with local communities and professional bodies, promoting employment opportunities within our company, with opportunity based on merit and ambition. The company supports employees to further their studies in languages and knowledge of the industry and encourages everyone to work as a team and strive to be the best.
Social Commitments
One of our most important initiatives is to promote the development of new and innovative products and to assist Colombian entrepreneurs in establishing their own business’s with the aim of introducing them to our product range. We are also working closely with the Colombian government in developing guide training initiatives and local infrastructure projects.
Colombia57 financially supports local charities, and management and staff are encouraged to volunteer their time on a regular basis. In Manizales we have been committed to supporting NUTRIR since 2009. This local charity provides nutritional meals to 4000 underprivileged children on a daily basis.
Colombia57 Tours Travel & Logistics SAS
COLOMBIA57 SAS - All rights reserved. © 2024